Monday, March 10, 2014

Why Bakers Should Be Free to Discriminate; Guess what happens when you ask for a cake that really violates people's beliefs?

Before reading about coercion of bakeries, read this for perspective:
LA Times: We Don't Publish Letters to Editor Claiming Man Isn't Causing Climate Change  "So letters to the editor "that say there's no sign humans have caused climate not get printed."
"That's quite a statement coming from an editorial writer not named Al Gore."

 From the LA Times itself: On letters from climate-change deniers   ... "Simply put, I do my best to keep errors of fact off the letters page; when one does run, a correction is published. Saying "there's no sign humans have caused climate change" is not stating an opinion, it's asserting a factual inaccuracy."  By Paul Thornton, LA Times

Could that not be said about any political opinion?  When MSNBC pronounces  that conservatives voted against Obama because he is black, I tell you they are asserting a factual inaccuracy and should not be allowed to express this opinion. TD

Now, on to the issue of the bakeries:
... "First, that bakers, like all Americans, don’t check their consciences at the door. We’re not going to sue any of these establishments for refusing service, and the nation has an overwhelming anti-Nazi majority. But the social acceptability (or unacceptability) of an event or a viewpoint should not determine whether individuals are forced to violate their consciences.
</"Second, that we should think twice before forcing people to share our ideas of what is or is not offensive. Even an enthusiastic supporter of the right of gays to marry (and bear in mind that support for gay marriage has only become a majority position within the last few years) should shudder at the prospect of a professional being sued because he or she doesn’t want to participate in a gay marriage celebration." ... 

 ... "Republicans may not want to fight this fight, but they will be forced to have it. Their supporters will not stand by idly while the expression of their beliefs — beliefs connected to some of their deepest values — is criminalized."

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