Thursday, May 1, 2014

Liberal, pro-Democrat Maureen Dowd is fed up with President Obama's international dithering

With Obama being mentored by the likes of Rev. Wright and Bill Ayres (pictured below), we now know how America would turn out if we had actually elected a Black Panther or a 60s radical as president.

Is Barry Whiffing?   ... "As Leon Wieseltier wrote in the latest New Republic, oppressed and threatened swaths of the world are jittery and despairing “because the United States seems no longer reliable in emergencies, which it prefers to meet with meals ready to eat.”’

"The Times’s Mark Landler, who traveled with the president on his Asia trip, reported that Obama will try to regain the offensive, including a graduation address at West Point putting his foreign policy in context.
"Mr. President, don’t you know that we’re speeched out? It’s not what we need right now." ...  More...

Putin Is Launching a New Version of the Evil Empire. What the U.S. Needs to Do Now.

No Speech Can Fix This   ... "In the midst of these world crises—and a U.S. military readiness crisis—we have a president who questions “the efficacy and even legitimacy of American power,” lamented Heritage Distinguished Fellow Jim Talent and Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.).

"It’s been 100 years since the beginning of World War I. Where does America stand when it comes to protecting its citizens and allies? This question is on many minds as the world watches Putin’s ambitions unfold. Can we even maintain the level of safety we have enjoyed in recent years as our leaders continue to gut the military?" ...
From the UK Guardian
Steve Bell 21.4.2014
UK readers comment on the cartoon:        
"I think he means that the only action the U.S. is capable of taking these days in regards to international affairs is playacting."
"The empty vessel makes the loudest sound.
is mentioned by WS in Henry V (IV.4.64):
, "I did never know so full a voice issue from so empty a heart: but the saying is true, the empty vessel makes the greatest sound". "
"Like all conflicts the Americans arrived least in public anyway!"

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