Monday, June 9, 2014

A moment of truth for the Tunnel Wall

Quite some time back, the TW posted a photo of Code Pink carrying a banner praising the murder of American troops, much the same as Westboro Baptist Church. The picture I published was this one:
Here is their refutation of the faux banner  "In response to CODEPINK's vibrant and loud presence on Capitol Hill in recent months, we have become the target of far-right hatred that has filled staff emailboxes with profane and insulting messages suggesting that, among other things, we should be run over by trucks, forced to wear burkas, or shipped to Iraq and Afghanistan where we would get what we deserved." ...
This is the photo that they say has been changed:
More on this at the link. TW still strongly condemns CP's failure to denounce those who support the murder of Israeli men, women and children, launching rockets into population centers with the desire to kill indiscriminately.
They may not have carried a banner praising the death of American troops, but they have given support to those who cause just that, who hand out celebratory treats after Muslims murder families with small children in their beds.
I find their goals and actions to be reprehensible. The Tunnel Dweller

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