Saturday, July 5, 2014

Hillary Clinton Donates College Speaking Fees to… The Clinton Foundation

Hillary Clinton defends $200G speaking fee for colleges: it goes to charity  " ‘All of the fees have been donated to the Clinton Foundation for it to continue its life-changing and life-saving work,’ says Clinton. "

American Glob
"How do Democrats run on income inequality after this? How do Democrats address the student loan debt crisis after this?

"All the liberal headlines on this story over the weekend were completely dishonest. They all attempted to downplay Hillary’s ridiculously large college speaking fees with a title that said she had donated all of her speaking fees to charity.

"They failed to mention that the name of the charity was the Clinton Foundation.

"Ann Althouse caught it…"

Behind that “Hillary Clinton Says She’s Donated All University Speaking Fees” headline.
I didn’t bother clicking through when I saw that running as the top headline all day yesterday. It was the 4th of July, and when I think of the 4th of July, I don’t wonder what’s the latest on the Clintons. But now it’s the 5th of July, and that headline — which has left quite the impression by now — is still reigning atop Memeorandum.
Finally reading it, I’m irritated at Hillary and outraged at the new media outlets who put the headline in that form, which is missing the fact that flips the story: Hillary Clinton donates the money to her own foundation.

150475 600 Hillarys speaking fee cartoons

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