Monday, July 7, 2014

Not on Obama’s Texas Itinerary: The Border

 The president is behind on the immigration crisis, but so is Congress.
John Fund    "San Diego — President Obama will visit Texas this week for three political fundraisers. One place he will not visit while in Texas: the Mexican border. A border visit is apparently not necessary, in Obama’s view, to monitor the crisis that has seen thousands of migrants — including unaccompanied children — flood into the United States."

From the always-alert Lucianne:

Deportation data won't dispel rumors drawing migrant minors to U.S.    ...Obama administration officials deny that lenient policies...have encouraged the sudden surge.
"They instead blame a 2008 law signed by Bush that made it nearly impossible to repatriate unaccompanied minors to Central America without letting them appear before an immigration judge."

Obama’s war on real Americans   "According to media reports, the Obama regime is going to deploy riot squads to make sure those buses get through.
"The Regime cannot close off the border but it is going to use riot police to attack real Americans!"

 MS-13 gang members and jihadists let in over the border as children    “ 'Art Del Cueto, president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 2544 in Tucson, Arizona told the National Review that officers who recognize gang tattoos on the minors are supposed to treat them like everyone else."


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