Monday, September 15, 2014

Forum: What Was Your Opinion Of President Obama’s Speech On ISIS?

Noisy Room   "Every week on Monday morning, the Council and our invited guests weigh in at the Watcher’s Forum with short takes on a major issue of the day, the culture or daily living. This week’s question:What Was Your Opinion Of President Obama’s Speech On ISIS?"
Excerpts from those bloggers who assessed the ISIS speech:

Bookworm Room: "I analyzed the speech at boring length at my own blog, so I’ll limit myself here to a few observations:" ...
Robert Avrech, Seraphic Secret: "Watching Obama once again unfurl his doltish skills as a community agitator it is clear that this man is a simulacrum of an American President." ...
JoshuaPundit: "Well I analyzed it here, but the short version? Aside from the usual outright lies and chest thumping, it’s obvious that President Obama isn’t interested in anything but trying to rescue his dismal poll numbers . This was a political speech to massage his far left base while hopefully convincing average Americans he’s involved." ...
GrEaT sAtAn”S gIrLfRiEnD*: "So tired of these JV cats telegraphing their punches you know? For once maybe let the enemy wonder and worry what the heck may happen instead of helping them plot their defenses.
"Love to see, for once, 44 get angry with America’s enemies. The way he may react if Planned Parenthood funds were stolen to indoctrinate border immigrants on the awesomeness of the Tea Party."...
*Do you realize how hard it is to type this link with two fingers?
Laura Rambeau Lee, Right Reason: ..."He vowed to fight, but that we would not have boots on the ground. He promised a broad coalition of partners would join in this fight against ISIL. He has essentially told ISIS we will not commit the funds or the troops required to annihilate them." ...

The Independent Sentinel:  "When Democrats lauded Mr. Obama’s speech I wondered if we were listening to the same speech.Mr. Obama lost me at “This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years.” How could anyone take him seriously after that?" ...
The Razor: "Anything this president says is a waste of breath. We’re long past the time when his words matter in the least. He needs to stop talking and start doing. Or better yet – resign."

Finally, Argus Hamilton weighs in with his thoughts:
President Obama laid out his ISIS strategy to the nation Wednesday. So far he's vowed to make ISIS more manageable, he's threatened to degrade ISIS, he's promised to destroy ISIS. When asked if Obama was sending mixed messages to ISIS, the White House replied, yes and no.

 President Obama asked Congress for half a billion to arm the New Syrian Army members who have been fighting both ISIS and Syria for two years. It's very important that we get to know them. The New Syrian Army is the group that we'll be fighting a year after we defeat ISIS
 Democrats in Washington were stunned by President Obama's speech Wedneday(sp) to send the U.S. back into a new Mideast war. He ran for president solely on his opposition to a Mideast war. You know he's getting older when even President Obama doesn’t support President Obama.

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