Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Democrats Lost the Election. But Obama Still Controls the Regulatory Agencies.

The Daily Signal
"The election results were a crushing political blow for the Obama administration, giving Republicans firm control of both houses of Congress for the final two years of his term. But this in no way signals the end of the president’s policy agenda. It simply shifts the action to regulatory agencies.

"In the days since the vote, this has already begun. Obama is moving forward with his immigration plans, and pushing his appointees on the Federal Communications Commission for stronger Internet regulation. While most modern presidents have routinely ended their terms by unspooling red tape, the regulatory hyperactivity of this administration may take the tactic to new levels.

"President Obama has hardly been shy about his intention to use administrative action to bypass Congress. In this year’s State of the Union address, he vowed to wield his executive powers when faced with congressional resistance to his legislative agenda: “America does not stand still – and neither will I,” he said. “So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation … that’s what I am going to do.”.....More..
"And there are many more regulations in the pipeline; agencies have identified 124 additional major rules they intend to work on going forward . (A “major” rule is defined as one expected to impose costs on the private sector of at least $100 million annually.)"


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