Sunday, November 9, 2014

Harry Reid’s Desk


"A year ago President Obama said, “If you don’t like a particular policy, if you don’t like a particular president, go out there and argue your position, win an election.”
"And so it came to pass.
"Now that his party has lost the Senate, Obama says he’s willing to listen to Republican ideas – if they have any. Whether he is or they do remains to be seen. But they have had some ideas in the past. Those ideas were packaged into about 350 House Resolutions and passed on to the Senate where they sit in Harry Reid’s desk.
"The way Mitch McConnell sees it Reid protected the president from legislation he didn’t like by not bringing bills to his desk.
"The New York Times, in January, called Harry a brute."
Politifact, however, says some of those bills are simply caught up in committee. Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post says it’s not at all unusual for Harry Reid to have 300 bills to be stuffed in his drawers.

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