Sunday, November 9, 2014

Returning UK Islamist fighters offered ‘jihadi rehab’ instead of prosecution for supporting blood-thirsty terrorist groups despite May's pledges

Infidel Bloggers Alliance brings us this next piece of good cheer:

UK Daily Mail   "Returning Islamist fighters are being offered ‘jihadi rehab’ instead of prosecution for supporting blood-thirsty terrorist groups.
"The vast majority of more than 300 young men who have arrived back from Syria and Iraq are being allowed to continue their normal lives.
"Many have been offered places on the Government’s counter-radicalisation scheme, known as the Channel programme, which has seen a substantial rise in referrals." ... More here.
More than 300 young Islamist fighters returning to the UK from fighting in Syria and Iraq are being offered places on the Government’s counter-radicalisation scheme. Pictured: British jihadist Abu Abdullah al-Britani
You suppose liberals in the US will let them join the VFW?

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