Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Snap Judgement

Hope n' Change  " Hope n' Change is so honked off (or is it honkied off?) about the totally artificial and unnecessary race war being drummed up by the Obama administration, the media, the race hustlers and liberal anarchists that we've got three cartoons today..." 
obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, ferguson, michael brown, police, hands up, stained glass
..."Meanwhile, we're sick of the narrative about Michael Brown being a "gentle giant" who was brutally murdered before he was able to find a cure for cancer, write the Great American Novel, or sign a multi-million dollar contract with the Rams.

"The security video on which the above cartoon is based makes it entirely clear that Brown was a huge, thieving bully. The Grand Jury found that he was the aggressor in his final confrontation with the law. He was no saint...and frankly, no great loss to society." ...

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