Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I spent a day watching AtheistTV — and it was horrifying

"The Atheist streaming network apparently learned nothing from Neil deGrasse Tyson's success."   

Salon (Hardly a magazine for Christian readers)
I spent a day watching AtheistTV -- and it was horrifying
... "And yet after watching four hours of its programming and even despite my own lack of religious belief, I find it hard to imagine that even a casual nonbeliever would tune in, let alone someone on the fence about the existence of a higher power. AtheistTV adheres to nasty stereotypes about atheism — smugness, gleeful disregard for others’ beliefs — to a degree that’s close to unwatchable." ...
..."AtheistTV has a similar opportunity to inspire, and instead feeds its viewers a diet of scorn. The “Atheist Experience’s” new co-host, Don Baker, pivoted from talking “Cosmos” to introducing today’s topic: “I’m talking again about the failures of Christianity. I’m just scratching the surface — a lot of failure! So much fail. But today I’m going to talk about Christianity’s dependence on ignorance.' "
NY Times; Atheist TV Has Its Premiere, on Roku and Online    "“Atheist TV? It’ll be full of incest and smut and debaucheries of all kinds. Oh, wait; that’s HBO.”
“ 'Atheist TV? It’ll be nonstop mockery of conservative Christians and Republicans and Middle America. Oh, wait; that’s Comedy Central.”
“ 'Atheist TV? It’ll be godless wiccans and flesh-eating zombies and serial killers and all manner of other people who lack the Judeo-Christian morals that built America. Oh, wait; that’s practically every mainstream network and cable channel.' ”
Top 10 Atheist Characters on Television

Kerby Anderson; Answering the New Atheists - A Christian Addresses Their Arguments   "Kerby Anderson counters the claim by popular new atheists that Christianity (along with other religions) is blind, irrational and without any evidence. Kerby demonstrates that contrary to the atheist's claims God is not an invention of mankind, that faith is not dangerous, and that science and Christianity support one another. From a Christian point of view, the new atheists are bringing out tired old arguments that don't stand up to rational scrutiny."

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