Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Mark Steyn on what this photo can do to multi-culturalism

Chip Off the Old Block

"Do you remember a mere three years ago when the gullible sob-sisters of the western media declared the Arab Spring "the Facebook revolution"?

"It wasn't, of course. But what's going on right now in the Iraqi and Syrian territory held by the new Caliphate is the real Facebook revolution, and Twitter revolution, and Tumblr revolution, and YouTube revolution. These guys love social media. They can't wait to chop your head off and then zip the video footage all around the world. In the old days, when you decapitated somebody, the best you could do was stick his head on a spike on the edge of the village, and hope for good word of mouth from those terrified locals with an eye for the telling detail. Now you can saw through somebody's neck or stone a woman to death in the Sunni Triangle and, thanks to your Verizon or O2 account, your friends back in London or Frankfurt or Chicago can see it instantly!"  More here..

Meet the Jetstones   "Further to yesterday's SteynPost on the Aussie schoolboy and the severed head he's holding, Sydney's Daily Telegraph calls out Opposition Leader Bill Shorten on his bizarre warning that Australians think twice before "using" that image.

"The reason Mr Shorten feels he has to threaten his fellow citizens is because of the profound challenge that photograph poses to the multiculti delusions in which he and many others are so invested."

Former Archbishop of Canterbury Says ‘British and Islamic values can go hand in hand’
Sharia is Sedition

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