Sunday, January 11, 2015

Alfred Charles Sharpton, an American Excess Story

Townhal"When a history of the American Presidency for the last fifty years is compiled, listed among the most curious aspects of those five decades of presidential administrations will be the inclusion of Alfred Charles Sharpton as a ‘trusted presidential advisor’ to the Obama Administration.Countless photographs from presidential and news media archives will show Alfred virtually glowing in his self-importance, seated at the side of the president...

"Alfred has been able to insinuate himself into countless incidents where a racial aspect might or might not be involved.If one isn’t there, he’ll create it.Having no facts or evidence (it never stopped him before), Alfred is always ready and able to inject charges of racism and stir up civil unrest.All for his own ego gratification and to line his own pockets with money. ...

"Alfred’s excesses will continue as long as the money keeps rolling in and the American news media keep providing him coverage. And American race relations will continue to suffer a setback every time Alfred arrives on the scene."   (All cartoons added; TD)

 D.W. Wilber is a former Intelligence and Counterterrorism Officer, and the owner of Secur-Intel-Solutions.

Hat tip to Robert Hope; Sacramento, CA


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