" ...a woman identified only as Mrs. Powell of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?"
Franklin is said to have answered, “A Republic, madam, if you can keep it.”
... "The founders charged the citizens of this country actively to pursue righteousness in our elected officials and to remain alert to the activities at every level of government.
In SOTU, Obama Slips on Oil, Success of Private Sector ... "Despite oil production on federal land being stifled 16%, despite the federal government snatching up tracts of land, despite an Environmental Protection Agency hostile to conventional sources of energy, America’s oil production continues to grow in the private sector. In spite of Obama trying to orchestrate his “middle-class economy,” free enterprise brought a true benefit to the American people." ...
Has the White House hired Jonathan Gruber as the President’s new speech writer?
Remember When Obama Wanted $8 Per Gallon Gasoline?

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