Monday, January 26, 2015

Islamic Terrorism: The Taboo Topic

President Obama in his State of the Union address Tuesday mentioned lesbians, he mentioned gays and he mentioned transgenders, but Obama didn't once mention al-Qaeda. That's easily explainable. Until al-Qaeda registers in California as a sexual preference, Democrats are going to pretend they don't exist. 
Comedian Argus Hamilton                                

Gatestone Institute  

"The political violence of the Koran is eternal and universal. The political violence of the Bible was for that particular historical time and place. This is the vast difference between Islam and other ideologies." — Bill Warner, Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam."The word has turned into a place where free speech is confused with hate speech, and people in positions of responsibility, who take that responsibility seriously, such as the Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders, are bullied, marginalized and brought to trial." . . .
"Every time Islamic terrorism is discussed, those who bring up the "Christian terrorism" of the Ku Klux Klan or anti-abortion violence simply block free speech, as if deliberately trying to scramble the main topic. They seem to be saying, "Whether the Islamic State is Islamic or not is irrelevant; there are Christian terrorists as well, so do not talk about Islamic terrorists." . . .That is why Islamic theology, ideology and goals desperately need to be discussed. They deeply affect the life choices most Muslims make.
"Shhhh! We can talk today of all religions but one. We can question all religions but one today. We know that any question of Islam can be taken as a criticism, and put our lives at risk, as seen most recently in Paris with the murders of the staff of Charlie Hebdo magazine. It is the only religion that people -- including the apologists for "Islamophobia" -- have to think ten times before discussing. At the same time, it is the same religion that is perpetually associated with "peace."

"Why should anyone be afraid of a "religion of peace"? Because some of its supporters threaten to kill you, and often do." . . .Full article

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