But first, read this: Oh, CANADA! Christian man sentenced to one year in jail for speaking out against Islam
Ezra Levant video here
"Je Suis Charlie," you say? Not when it mattered.
Cartoons added by TD
PJ Media "We’ll have to forgive what’s left of the staff at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo if they don’t take much comfort from the ostentatious displays of sympathy and support from their colleagues in the Western media today, and from the similarly defiant words of Western political leaders. For the hysterical reaction of mainstream Western media outlets and politicians to the publication of cartoons mocking Mohammed — first by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten and then by Charlie Hebdo – set the stage for Wednesday’s atrocity."...
"Reporting on the 2005 Jyllands-Posten affair, the New York Times condemned what it called “callous and feeble cartoons, cooked up as a provocation by a conservative newspaper.” When the Charlie Hebdo offices were firebombed in 2011, Time’s Bruce Crumley blamed the magazine for bringing the attack upon itself.
"A week later President Obama clearly had the magazine in mind, as well as the filmmaker responsible for Innocence of Muslims, when he made his speech to the United Nations in which he proclaimed: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” He also uttered the requisite platitudes about violence never being justified. Unfortunately, once you’ve acknowledged on a global stage that a group of people with a long track record of violence and mayhem has an issue about which they should justifiably be angry, you can’t expect to successfully dictate how they should seek redress."
"The Associated Press claimed its policy was to “refrain from moving deliberately provocative images,” a policy which, it was quickly pointed out, hasn’t prevented it from selling photos of Andres Serrano’s Piss Christ.
"Those organizations that bothered to offer an excuse fell back on the “offense” line, but it hardly needs saying that they’ve never felt compelled to extend the same courtesy to Christians or Jews."
HopeNChange ..."Unfortunately, a disturbing number of national and international news sources are actually attacking the victims - saying that the cartoonists "should have known better" than to deliberately provoke radical Islam's "mad dogs." But that misses the important point which the satirists at Charlie Hebdo died making: it's a big freaking problem to have mad dogs taking over your streets and cities." ...

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