Wednesday, February 18, 2015

GASP: Is Taylor Swift 'Rolling Her Eyes?' Perfect Example Of Media Manipulation

ChicksOnTheRight  "This is a perfect example of Hollywood media bias.
"Taylor Swift was seated next to Sarah Palin at SNL's 40th anniversary special Sunday, but gossipy, dramatic hosebeasts over at Hollywood Life decided to spur some artificial drama, asserting Taylor Swift's hatred for Sarah Palin." . . .
. . . "Except that's pure fabrication. They have no proof whatsoever that Swift was "eye rolling" because her seating placement. They completely made that up. Because OF COURSE they did.
"In reality, she was looking at a TV monitor, and that's clear when you look at the FULL photo."
"This is how Hollywood manipulates the political world. The wicked witches of Hollywood can’t face reality. Truth is either too boring or too offensive, so they make crap up as they go along, expecting the sheeples to go along with it."

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