Monday, April 27, 2015

The Freddie Gray memorial gathering

Baltimore mayor: We 'gave those who wished to destroy space to do that'
Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake made a stunning admission Saturday in the aftermath of violent protests over the recent death of Freddie Gray, saying she wanted to give space to those “who wished to destroy.”

And destroy, some did. . . .

Disciples of "Killer Mike"?

Obama Sends Representation To #FreddieGray Funeral 
"Chris Kyle, an American hero, family still waiting. Family of James Foley, beheaded because he was American still waiting… Via The Hill: 

 CNN called all the above "scuffles"

 The Baltimore protests — are they really about the police?   . . . "Baltimore is far from the only American city in a sorry state. Thus, it’s plausible to anticipate that we will see protests and riots throughout the U.S.
"Given the enormous amount of police interaction with African-American lawbreakers, there will always be cases of problematic (or allegedly problematic) police behavior that can ignite protests. As time goes on, however, I wonder whether such cases will be required."

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