Thursday, April 2, 2015

Timeline Puts Lie To Obama's Story About Bergdahl

 Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
 From American Thinker. . . "Cue the Rose Garden ceremony with creepy Papa Bergdahl and foxy Mama Bergdahl – great visuals to make the release of the dangerous captives look like a good thing, the return of a hero.

"This makes Bowe Bergdahl into just another Styrofoam column, part of the illusions Obama has always depended on to sell himself and his policies.

Investors Business Daily  . .. . "But IBD has uncovered a series of credible reports from 2012 — as well as a transcript of a candid press conference by then-Afghan President Hamid Karzai — that show the White House originally wanted to give up the Taliban commanders under just one condition: that the Taliban open a political office in Qatar "to conduct peace negotiations." It was Qatar that ended up taking the prisoners.

"Bergdahl, who walked off his post and into the arms of the Taliban in June 2009, wasn't even part of the negotiation back then. The original deal was a one-sided release, naked any trade for a "POW" or "hostage" or soldier who allegedly had served "with honor and distinction."

"Consider this timeline: . . ."   Full article here.

. . . "Obama also had several chances to rescue Bergdahl on the ground, but he reportedly ignored them all. Why? He wanted a terrorist trade to help close down Gitmo. Don't be fooled: This is what Bergdahl was all about."

 Political Cartoons by Gary McCoy

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