Monday, May 4, 2015

Baltimore; A Great Society Failure/ Not enough money? Baltimore got $1.8 billion from Obama Stimulus

Yet Baltimore students say they are using 20-year-old textbooks. Should we be looking for corruption at the administrative level? What other explanation could there be?  I'd say America has third-world voters who chose a third-world president and third-world local governments. TD

Thomas Lifson  "Last Tuesday, President Obama blamed the GOP-controlled Congress for its failure to fund the “massive investment in urban communities” that could “make a difference.”  Well, how does $1.8 billion for the 622,000 people of Baltimore sound?  Pretty massive – actually, just about $2900 for every man, woman, child, and baby of the entire City of Baltimore.

"But that’s the total amount of Obama Stimulus money sent to Charm City, according to an analysis by The Free Beacon:

 The city of Baltimore received over $1.8 billion from President Barack Obama’s stimulus law, including $467.1 million to invest in education and $26.5 million for crime prevention.
"Moreover, that spending was concentrated in Baltimore’s inner-city areas:" . . .

Read more:

Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

Marytland Politically More Corrupt than Chicago or Illinois

Rich Lowry: Baltimore, a Great Society Failure. . . "Obama said, cuttingly, that this Congress won’t approve “massive investments in urban communities.” Dating back to the Kerner Commission in the aftermath of the riots of the 1960s, the left’s go-to solution to urban problems has been more social programs. Since then, we’ve gotten more social programs — and just as many urban problems.

"Exhibit A is Baltimore itself. The city hasn’t been “neglected.” It has been misgoverned into the ground. It is a Great Society city that bought into the big-government vision of the 1960s more than most, and the bitter fruit has been corruption, violence and despair.

"All you need to know about the confused ineffectuality of the city’s leadership was evident in the purposefully inadequate initial response to the mayhem, apparently on the theory that a little rioting is OK.

"And why not? The left has a soft spot for rioters." Read more:

Spaced Out


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