Fly Specks on the Debate Commission Table .."The last thing I read before going to sleep was Rick Ballard’s pithy comment on the news that almost every media operation and figure had contributed to the Clinton slush fund:
“It's actually the perpetual Clinton Campaign using tax deductible donations to the Foundation to finance itself. If the investigative press were not extinct, they would be trumpeting the names of Clinton campaign workers and vendors sustained by employment by the Foundation rather than paying access fees to it.”
. . .[I]t still must be pointed out that if a journalist were exposed as giving money to the Koch Brothers charities and then reported on them, there would be howls for his scalp throughout the media. The rules are different for liberals. Analysts who wonder about the shrinking audience for such shows and networks whose political coverage is drenched in the tired rhetoric of liberalism need wonder no more. Stephanopoulos’s lack of transparency i[n] this story is just one more piece of evidence indicting mainstream outlets for outrageous and blatant liberal bias.
But it has ramifications far beyond the media bubble.
Victor Davis Hanson: George Stephanopoulos’s Clinton Foundation Hypocrisy Is Staggering
. . . "When he attacked Schweizer for a supposed conflict of interest in having been a Bush speechwriter for four months, he assumed that his own much longer tenure as a war-room political flak for Bill Clinton could never impinge on his own objectivity — much less provide the context for his recent donations to the Clinton family foundation." . . .
Clinton Foundation donors include dozens of media organizations, individuals
. . . " The following list includes news media organizations that have donated to the foundation, as well as other media networks, companies, foundations or individuals that have donated. It is organized by the size of the contribution:" . . .
Flashback: George Stephanopoulos to Hillary Clinton: 'I Love You' . . . "But Stephanopoulos's affinity for the Clintons has never been in doubt. In 1999, the now-ABC anchor recounted his "love" for Hillary Clinton and the heartfelt affection he received in response." . . .
But Stephanopoulos's affinity for the Clintons has never been in doubt. In 1999, the now-ABC anchor recounted his "love" for Hillary Clinton and the heartfelt affection he received in response. - See more at:
All above from Lucianne
George Stephanopoulos has forfeited all trust as a newsman " The hat trick of arrogant anchor scandals helps explain why Americans don’t trust network news. With apologies to Walter Cronkite, that’s the way it is, and the way it is stinks."
PBS Anchor Judy Woodruff Also Admits Donating to Clinton Foundation
Stephanopoulos Another Example Of Revolving Door Journalism
George Stephanopoulos has forfeited all trust as a newsman " The hat trick of arrogant anchor scandals helps explain why Americans don’t trust network news. With apologies to Walter Cronkite, that’s the way it is, and the way it is stinks."
PBS Anchor Judy Woodruff Also Admits Donating to Clinton Foundation
Stephanopoulos Another Example Of Revolving Door Journalism
"Media Bias: George Stephanopoulos' $75,000 gift to the Clinton Foundation says a lot about the major media. Not only are they dominated by the left, but their stars have often worked for the very people they're supposed to cover.
"Political operatives become journalists, and journalists become political operatives. It happens all the time.
"But Stephanopoulos didn't just take a job as a talking head or pundit. He was elevated to a high-profile news position. He poses as an objective journalist when, in fact, his entire background has been political." . . .

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