Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mr. President, the Fall of Ramadi Is Much More than a ‘Setback’

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

NRO. . . "Administration officials, including the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the president’s spokesman, have tried to minimize the May 17 fall of Ramadi as nothing more than a “setback.” But, having served in al-Anbar with the Marines, I recognize the loss of this key city for what it really is: a defeat of strategic consequence with potentially catastrophic implications for the future of Iraq."

"Other writers have rightly pointed to the symbolic importance of Ramadi, where hundreds of U.S. troops were killed in a hard-fought battle to recapture the city from insurgent forces nearly a decade ago. But let’s set aside the symbolism and look at the hard facts about why Ramadi matters today." . . .
 Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

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