Friday, June 5, 2015

Flashback Friday: Campus political correctness in 1988
The Volokh Conspiracy  "Campus political correctness appears to be back.  (Perhaps it never left.)  The Kipnis kerfuffle at Northwestern is viewed by many as symbolic of a wave of illiberal attitudes sweeping college campuses.  Is this the same political correctness some of us experience on campuses years (or decades) ago? Or is it something quite different?" . . .
To be PC it does not take much effort, one simply needs to wet one’s finger and hold it to the political wind and follow the currents of hot air. One would then find oneself in favor of the shanties, the FMLN in El Salvador, Nuclear Disarmament, Animal Rights, Locals 34 and 35, and of course Mike Dukakis (although Lloyd Bentsen cannot be perceived as more than a necessary evil to attain the White House). On the other hand, to maintain one’s PC status, one would also have to oppose Robert Bork, aid to any non-socialist Latin American government, fraternities, secret societies, the CIA, red meat and anything remotely resembling a Republican. (Lowell Weicker is summarily excused.) . . .
 Jonathan H. Adler teaches courses in constitutional, administrative, and environmental law at the Case Western University School of Law, where he is the inaugural Johan Verheij Memorial Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Business Law and Regulation.
Intolerance on the Left    "Every night I see and hear the "Intolerance of the Left". I see the violence in the streets, I see conservative speakers taunted and literally run from the podiums at some of our most prestigious universities. I see the marches in Oakland in support of a cop-killers. Most of these hateful demonstrators seem to be young. To me, its a sad commentary on the youth of this country. They claim to support change and openness, but simply cannot tolerate anyone with an opposing view. They condemn a capitalism system, that has provided them with one of the worlds highest standard of living. The United States economy is the envy of the world and people are literally tearing down fences in order to get here." . . .

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