Monday, June 29, 2015

Liberal Silliness 6/29/15

Pretty much what the Tunnel Dweller does now.

The Phrase “trigger warning” is now in itself also a trigger.  "Yes — now even trigger warnings need trigger warnings. According to the Feminist Internet, the phrase“trigger warning” is now in itself also a trigger.
. . .  "And the thing that makes even less sense here (yes, that is possible) is that Everyday Feminism’s “content warning” uses the word “trigger” — not just once, but twice!
 Content Warning: This article discusses triggering in detail and mentions common topics of triggering (sexual assault, anxiety, health anxiety, depression, death, non-specific fears and phobias).
Farm couple sued for discrimination say they were 'set up' . . . " How can there be "pain and suffering" if the plaintiffs knew full well the outcome of their request?"

 Obama on gay marriage then and now.   . . .  "As Ace points out, most people feel a certain amount of shame in a situation like this but Obama isn’t most people. He’s a lying political opportunist of the highest order. Watch and compare…"
That was then...  and  this is now.
 Tommy grows up to be female president

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