Watcher of Weasels "It’s time once again for the Watcher’s Council’s ‘Weasel Of The Week’
nominations, where we pick our choices to compete for the award of the
famed Golden Weasel to a public figure who particularly deserves to be
slimed and mocked for his or her dastardly deeds during the week. Every
Tuesday morning, tune in for the Weasel of the Week nominations!
Here are this weeks’ nominees….
The Monster Who Tortured And Abused This Dog
Don Surber: The known-only-to-God-and-the-Devil expletive who did this. The bastard.

Racialist Cop Hater and Baltimore City Attorney Marilyn Mosby!!
The Noisy Room : I nominate for Weasel of the Week, Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby for pulling an Anthony Weiner and claiming her Twitter account was hacked after two controversial tweets were “favorited” by a personal Twitter account belonging to her.

Secretary Of State John Kerry – Did You know He Served In Vietnam?
Virginia Right!
The Daily Mail reports:
“A US military C-17 transport aircraft that usually carries at least 100 troops flew to Geneva Airport to pick up Secretary of State John Kerry and fly him to Boston where he’ll be treated for a broken leg." . . .

Noo Yawk Dummy-crat, 2nd Amendment Hater and Insurance Company Prostitute Carolyn B. Maloney!!
JoshuaPundit :
Here are this weeks’ nominees….
The Monster Who Tortured And Abused This Dog
Racialist Cop Hater and Baltimore City Attorney Marilyn Mosby!!
The Noisy Room : I nominate for Weasel of the Week, Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby for pulling an Anthony Weiner and claiming her Twitter account was hacked after two controversial tweets were “favorited” by a personal Twitter account belonging to her.

Secretary Of State John Kerry – Did You know He Served In Vietnam?
Virginia Right!
The Daily Mail reports:
“A US military C-17 transport aircraft that usually carries at least 100 troops flew to Geneva Airport to pick up Secretary of State John Kerry and fly him to Boston where he’ll be treated for a broken leg." . . .
Noo Yawk Dummy-crat, 2nd Amendment Hater and Insurance Company Prostitute Carolyn B. Maloney!!
JoshuaPundit :
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