Tuesday, August 4, 2015

After Obergefell, can Christians withstand the pressure to change their teachings?

Culture Witness   " Post-Obergefell, the war for the heart and soul of Christianity has begun in earnest. Less than a week after Emperor Anthony Kennedy issued his fiat of 'love conquers the Constitution', the Episcopal Church rushed to rescue their dinner party invitations. They quickly voted themselves into the new era, approving same-sex weddings and replacing the outdated and homophobic words "man and woman" with "couple" in their marriage canons." . . .(Published previously here)

 I’ll Cry on Saturday, but I’ll Laugh on Sunday (July 2015) " . . . I can only weep at the decision of the nation’s highest court to somehow discover a Constitutional right to same-sex marriage that, for all intents and purposes—at least at the federal level—leaves in question the freedom of institutions (such as the church, not to mention Christian colleges and seminaries) to disagree and remain tax-exempt, much less to receive government accreditation and funding for student aid." . . .
On Saturday, we were lamenting the decision. But then this response came back from one friend, who happens to be a U. S. Senator: “Yes, it’s a big disappointment, but tomorrow’s Sunday, Christ is risen, and ‘trust not in princes.’”

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