Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Obama puts small businesses into the hands of labor unions

Ray Kroc Wouldn't Have McChance With Franchise Rules by Amity Schlaes

Would Ray Kroc have been able to build the McDonald's empire if it had been unionized?

. . . "It's true it would be hard to start a business like McDonald's today, with all the interference you'd get form the government and unions," Kroc ruminated in People magazine in 1975.

"The NLRB's action this summer represents such interference in its most direct form.

"This is not to say that union-less-ness was the only or even the primary factor in the McDonald's phenom, or to say that it's impossible for any business today to grow as fast as McDonald's. Money flows around unions like soda pop around ice cubes, as Kroc might have put it.

"But the obstacles unions place before growth are an undertold story, damage from which can range far beyond the Golden Arches."

Ms. hlaes chairs the board of the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation.

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