Sunday, October 4, 2015

Is Mayor DeBlasio a Socialist? Look what happens under his government

Shall We Call Bill de Blasio a Socialist?  (2013)
"Let us consider the reasons, pro and con. In favor:
1) He is one.
2) He called himself one.
3) There is no evidence of an ideological shift.
4) He supports the Sandinistas who are socialist and admit it.
5) He supports ACORN, Occupy, the New Party, and the Working Families Party, which are socialist and don’t admit it.
6) Honesty is the best policy.
7) American democracy works best when people know what they’re voting for.

1) Calling him socialist may cost him the election: bad for Democrats.
2) Calling him socialist may not cost him the election: even worse for Democrats." . . .

You elect a socialist, you get this:

Even Art Work Has Racial Quotas Now

. . . "This bigotry is even affecting what paintings are being hung on the walls. It would be insensitive to hang a white person’s painting if there wasn’t a minority’s also, they now say.
This is happening in all levels of the government nationally. Segregation is wrong, everyone knows it’s wrong, but even so, they are segregating whites. Future decisions won’t be made on the quality of work but on the race of the creator or employee."
. . .
. . . "Most people aren’t looking at race when they look for a doctor or an economist or a teacher, they’re looking for quality. They want the best, not the best Eritrean.

"We now make educational, housing, and other legal decisions based on “disparate impact” and call it fair. Disparate impact states that a policy is considered discriminatory if it has a disproportionate “adverse impact” against any group based on race, national origin, color, religion, sex, familial status, or disability when there is no legitimate, non-discriminatory reason.

"So, if the end result is not in favor of a protected class, even if there is no evidence of discrimination, it’s discrimination. Whites are not a protected class but everyone else is.

"In 2009, the White House established another monstrous big government agency, the Office of Urban Affairs, to do exactly this sort of thing." . . .

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