Mad World News "In response to presidential hopeful Donald Trump’s proposal to place a moratorium on Muslim immigrants, liberal “filmmaker” Michael Moore stood outside one of The Donald’s buildings, holding a sign that stated, “We are all Muslim.” The stunt received much criticism, but perhaps nobody had a better reply than Miss America contestant, Destiny Vélez, who was crowned Miss Puerto Rico this year.
"Oddly enough, as Moore espouses pro-Islamic propaganda, he actually self-identifies as an atheist, which means he doesn’t even have a dog in this fight, really. So, for him to hold such a sign, being a non-believer and all, is purely an exercise in hypocrisy, and Miss Puerto Rico called him out on it in epic fashion." . . .

"Now, let’s have a look at Vélez’s incredible response to Moore’s utter stupidity:" Article here.
. . . "Seriously, when was the last time you saw a prominent Muslim figure wear a Christian Cross in solidarity with the Christians murdered by their Muslim brethren? Hasn’t happened, has it? Nope, and it won’t because even if they decry the violence publicly, which is also a rare occurrence, their religion tells them it’s okay to lie to non-believers in order to spread their ideology. It’s called taqiya, and it’s encouraged in Islam." Just asking.
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