Friday, December 4, 2015

Shooting Pains


obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, san bernardino, shooting, terror, syed farook, muslim

"Many on the Left were devastated Wednesday when it turned out that the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California did not (as originally reported) happen at a Planned Parenthood clinic, nor was it perpetrated by "three white men."

"Rather, the horrendous slaughter was committed by "devout Muslim" Syed Farook and his wife,Tashfeen Malik, who are believed to have been in communication with individuals under investigation for international terrorism. Additionally, the couple's home has been described by authorities as a virtual "IED factory" for producing bombs.

"Even Barack Obama is having trouble calling this "workplace violence," as much as he desperately wants to. In the face of overwhelming evidence, he grudgingly admits that the shooters may have had "mixed" motives.

"We can only speculate at this point, but it seems clear that this couple - and an unknown number of others - had spent considerable time preparing to commit a massacre. Had it not been this "workplace" party, it would likely have been a mall, a church, a school, or some other soft target.

"Our thoughts go out to the victims and their families, and we hope (but don't expect) that this terrible incident can finally inspire serious policy discussions about radical Islamic terror within our borders."

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