Monday, February 8, 2016

It seems the education system is creating socialism in our millennials, doesn't it?

No More Room for Compromise with the Socialist Agenda of the Democrats   . . . " In recent polls nearly 59% of Democrats say they would vote for a socialist candidate as well as nearly 50% of independents and even more frightening nearly 70% of those between the ages of 18 and 29 in the country claim they would vote for a socialist.

"This phenomenon is due to two primary factors.  First, the ignorance of what socialism is and its overwhelming failure everywhere it has been tried. This is due to the Left’s control of the entertainment/education establishment over the past 40 years, which has eventuated in indoctrination not education. Second, the unwillingness of the opposition to vigorously defend capitalism and the founding tenets of this country.  Instead, the guiding principle became, as it took less effort, continual compromise with those whose single-minded objective was to establish a socialist nirvana and seize political power.

"The major failing of this go-along-to-get-along mindset is the inability or unwillingness to understand that one cannot compromise with those whose driving ambition is to control others." . . .

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