Saturday, March 26, 2016

America's humiliation by Obama's Latin America trip.

To think, I had hoped if we just got Obama out of Washington that he could not damage this nation more. How could I have thought that?
If you elect the choice of Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayres, Al Sharpton and most of Hollywood, this is the kind of president you get. In fact, if Rev. Wright himself was POTUS, how could he have been more of a tool for dictators? The Tunnel Dweller.

Obama Embarrasses Nation with Visit to Cuba  "All the people that have risked their lives to come to the U.S. from Cuba were told that America is just as bad as their former country... and they were told this by President Obama no less!" Watch this video:

. . . "But as he finished I was truly horrified at what I’d heard." . . .

. . . "'Anything less will invite more aggression not only from Cuba, but others adversaries as well, who will see once again there’s no price to pay under President Obama for humiliating the United States,' he said."

And finally, just as we had predicted, President Ayres speaks:

. . . ""In the 1970s, Soviet communism and socialism was spreading rapidly throughout South America and the CIA created Operation Condor to help local right-wing groups such as the Argentine Anticommunist Alliance repel the Russian influence.  Politics aside, trying combat the spread of communism has never been easy and CIA agents did what was necessary to protect the United States.
"But rest assured, Obama, who swept in to save the day, gave a most sincere apology to Argentina on behalf of the "early dark days" of the CIA and the United States." . . .
"I will leave it up to you to decide who Obama was referring to when he said, "commemorate those who fought side-by-side with Argentinians for human rights.' "

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