Monday, April 4, 2016

Was Obama sending a message when flashing the peace sign?

There will be no peace in the world so long as there are terrorism-enabling progressives like Obama and his successors in the White House

Canada Free Press  "Was President Barack Hussein Obama really only playing the clown and “bemusing” world leaders by flashing the peace sign in Washington’s nuclear security summit ‘team photo’?

“ 'He gave the peace sign as the group stood together for a ‘team photo’-bemusing dozens of the world’s politicians.” (Daily Mail, April 2, 2016).
"If the grinning jokers in the nuclear summit “team photo” are the world’s best hope against nuclear attack, then God help civil society. 
"But as there has been no peace in America,  or in much of the Free World since Obama was installed in the Oval Office, one has to wonder if there was some kind of surrealistic message in his pictorial flashing the Peace Sign at the world.
"After eight long years of his antics, many know that Obama would do most anything to turn a group photo-op into another selfie.  Performing ‘The Wave’ at a baseball game with Cuban president Raul Castro, his stand-still tango in Argentina are only the two most recent.
. . . 
"The nano-second flashing of the peace sign should go down in history as Obama’s signature effort toward elusive world peace." . . .
Like most of the deadbeat 1960s ‘Give Peace a Chance’ progressives, Obama thinks flashing the peace sign during a photo-op or having a daughter whose favorite T-shirt shows off the peace symbol is gifting humanity with peace in our time.
This is what peace, Barack Obama style, is doing right now in Raqqa, where Moslem jihadists have taken an entire city hostage.

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