Conservative Daily News "This nation was founded by men who wrote a document that established the rule of law to ensure equal opportunity for all, the Constitution of the United States of America. Barak Obama and nearly all members of Congress ignore every article of that document, the second greatest document ever written. Our Constitution stands second only to the Word of God, the Holy Bible, in importance in world history. Obama rules by edict, called executive orders, and Congress violates the oath of office that pledged them to uphold the provisions of our founding document yet they get reelected about 95% of the time. Treason and corruption by those in office is epidemic and our freedoms are merely words without meaning because the Constitution is only given occasional lip service by the political ruling class and We the People do nothing. The reelection rate is a travesty that would have our founding fathers spinning in their graves. The election process is a scam, totally controlled by one world government elitists who set themselves up as omnipotent rulers answering only to themselves rather than answering to the Constitution and We the People."
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