Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Controversial Ariz. Pastor Sparks Anger by Saying 'Gays Should Be Executed'

Christian Post
Steven Anderson

"My children are homeschooled, I don't want them to be brainwashed by the government into thinking that there is no God and that it's normal for a man to have sex with another man. That's the kind of filth that they're gonna learn in the public school," he said. "I'd rather let them grow up in the freedom of being a Bible believing Christian. That's where the real freedom is."
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/bible-says-gays-should-be-executed-and-i-believe-every-word-says-arizona-pastor-99583/#Uit2HvT2wwUuJ4lw.99

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/bible-says-gays-should-be-executed-and-i-believe-every-word-says-arizona-pastor-99583/#ljGA0r65zeEzL1WC.99
"My children are homeschooled, I don't want them to be brainwashed by the government into thinking that there is no God and that it's normal for a man to have sex with another man. That's the kind of filth that they're gonna learn in the public school," he said. "I'd rather let them grow up in the freedom of being a Bible believing Christian. That's where the real freedom is."
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/bible-says-gays-should-be-executed-and-i-believe-every-word-says-arizona-pastor-99583/#Uit2HvT2wwUuJ4lw.99

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/bible-says-gays-should-be-executed-and-i-believe-every-word-says-arizona-pastor-99583/#ljGA0r65zeEzL1WC.99
"My children are homeschooled, I don't want them to be brainwashed by the government into thinking that there is no God and that it's normal for a man to have sex with another man. That's the kind of filth that they're gonna learn in the public school," he said. "I'd rather let them grow up in the freedom of being a Bible believing Christian. That's where the real freedom is."
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/bible-says-gays-should-be-executed-and-i-believe-every-word-says-arizona-pastor-99583/#Uit2HvT2wwUuJ4lw.99

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/bible-says-gays-should-be-executed-and-i-believe-every-word-says-arizona-pastor-99583/#ljGA0r65zeEzL1WC.99

. . . " 'My children are homeschooled, I don't want them to be brainwashed by the government into thinking that there is no God and that it's normal for a man to have sex with another man. That's the kind of filth that they're gonna learn in the public school," he said. "I'd rather let them grow up in the freedom of being a Bible believing Christian. That's where the real freedom is.' "

Lord help us! All we who carry the name of Jesus Christ and have claimed His blood, shed to redeem us from human iniquity have to be sickened by the words of this so-called "pastor". He tries to place his own personal animosity on a par with Scripture, calling for the murder of gays, forgetting that the words of the New Testament also condemn anger, gossip, adultery and many other sins that are in our hearts. Shall we also murder any slanderer we encounter?

The left says not to condemn a religion because of the actions of a few, but you can be sure all followers of Christ will be blackened because of this man's words.
All who name the name of Christ as Savior must be vocal in condemning this man's words as I certainly do.
Jesus said all who come to Him he will in no wise cast out, but will cleanse their hearts including Muslims who turn to Christ, Pastors such as this and even the equal darkness in my own heart.   The Tunnel Dweller

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