Monday, April 10, 2017

Editor of liberal magazine Mother Jones is slammed on Twitter for claiming that 'Tomahawk missiles' are offensive to Native Americans

UK Daily Mail

The editor-in-chief was slammed on social media for her comments about 'tomahawk' missiles

"The editor-in-chief of a prominent liberal news organization has been slammed on social media for suggesting that Tomahawk cruise missiles are an example of cultural appropriation.

"Clara Jeffery, who runs the non-profit publication Mother Jones, received a barrage of responses after speculating that Native Americans might be offended by the naming of the missiles which were launched by President Trump this week.

" 'That the missiles are called tomahawks must enrage a lot of Native Americans [sic],' she tweeted on Saturday.

"Twitter users immediately disparaged Jeffery's statement and her account was inundated with responses that went viral.

"Utilizing the names of Native American tribes is a common practice among the US military, which has drawn inspiration from countless tribes for machinery and aircraft over the years. 

"Jeffery's critics argue that her perceived hypervigilance for a culture that isn't her own is ill-informed, and that her concerns are misplaced." . . . Read More


There are currently a number of US Military crafts which are named after Native American tribes: 
Apache attack helicopter 
Black Hawk and Lakota - utility helicopters
Chinook heavy-lift transport helicopter
Tomahawk cruise missile 
Kiowa and Cayuse - observation helicopters
Creek trainer helicopter
Huron transport aircraft
Operation Geronimo was the codename for the SEAL Team Six mission that killed Osama bin Laden 

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