Monday, October 2, 2017

Puerto Rico Enters the 'Great American Victim Derby'

PJ Media  "Seems like everyone's a victim in the USA these days, from college "snowflakes" who can't abide someone with views unlike theirs within miles of their campuses to allegedly assaulted women wearing sexually explicit hats to multi-millionaire football players who are sure there's something wrong but can't always remember what it is (other than Donald Trump).  The latest of the many entries in this "Great American Victim Derby" is Puerto Rico -- or at least a significant part of the island's leadership.

"Who will win this derby?
"It's anybody's guess, but the thing about playing the victim game is that even -- perhaps especially -- when you do win, you're even more likely to continue to be a victim and play some more.  Victimhood is self-perpetuating -- a spiritual, emotional, political, and economic rerun out of the movie "Groundhog Day."
Every year it's the same thing and nothing changes.   Something bad happens and there you go again, drinking from the trough until you pass out like a fraternity boy being hazed for the thousandth time.
"Why not try something different for a change -- like taking responsibility?
"Are you listening, Puerto Rico?" . . .

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