Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Sports and Politics; I can't take it anymore!

ESPN changes mind, decides to broadcast anthem before Redskins-Chiefs game    . . . "The TV networks and NFL are well and truly trapped.  Their failure to act has made the anthem protest bigger than the sport.  But even though they want the whole issue to disappear, they can't help but cover the story, given fan interest in the protest.
"The three K.C. players who refused to stand during an anthem dedicated to the victims of the Las Vegas massacre showed that all their talk about their protest not being anti-American is just that – talk.  While the entire nation is in mourning, their petty, political protest took precedence over showing solidarity with the victims. 
"I'm sure the Canadian Football League would welcome them with open arms." . . .

Politics and Athletes . . . "When the Baltimore Ravens kneeled in unison before Sunday’s home game with the Steelers, the fans booed them (apparently misinterpreting the team’s gesture). All the talk about “unity” is beside the point. There is no team unity, only individual decisions. You know, Americans."

Earl of Taint

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