Tuesday, November 7, 2017

CNN Publishes Op-Ed Over Racist Fear-mongering In Virginia Race, Targets Only Republicans…

 Weasel Zippers  "Of course they did. When the Democrats have been guilty of a ridiculously offensive race-baiting ad.
"Via Daily Caller:
A CNN op-ed lambasted Virginia Republicans for “fearmongering” during the state’s gubernatorial election Tuesday, but offered no criticism of Democrats for doing the same.
Author S. Karthick Ramakrishnan, a public policy professor at the University of California, railed against Republican candidate Ed Gillespie’s campaign for airing ads about MS-13’s gang presence in Virginia, but he had no criticism for Democrat candidate Ralph Northam. While supposedly critical of “fearmongering,” the op-ed was devoid of any reference to the infamous pro-Northam ad which portrayed Gillespie supporters as confederate-flag-toting Nazis who want to run over minority children with trucks.
Gillespie has centered his campaign on Virginia’s violent crime and high number of members of Latino gang MS-13. And while it is true that police in Virginia’s wealthiest county are equaled–if not outnumbered–by MS-13 members, Ramakrishnan nevertheless pounced on the ads, claiming Gillespie was actually pushing hatred of Mexicans and residents of South America.

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