Thursday, December 14, 2017

"Tomorrow's shooting": Sandy Hook Promise releases another chilling PSA

CBS News   "A video depicting a local news broadcast about a school shooting that has yet to occur is the latest public service announcement created by Sandy Hook Promise to help bring awareness to the warning signs often displayed by people who are at risk of hurting themselves or others.

"In the minute-long video, which was released just days before the fifth anniversary of the deadly shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, a reporter interviews people about "tomorrow's shooting" involving a 15-year-old boy who kills four students and two adults before committing suicide." . . .

. . . "The scenario in the ad then replays in slow motion — this time, focusing on a troubled student in the background who's reading a magazine about guns, refusing to interact with a fellow student, getting bullied by his locker, researching guns on the internet and posing with a weapon in a selfie posted on Instagram.
"More than 10 million people have watched the powerful PSA since it was released on the organization's YouTube channel on Dec. 2, 2016. Many viewers praised the group for bringing awareness to a serious issue."
Since the Sandy Hook shooter was from outside the school, this cautionary tale would apply mainly to his friends, neighbors, and his parents. 
Sad to say, but these mass murderers have affected our relationships with all those mentioned above.

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