Thursday, December 28, 2017

Trump: The Unlikeliest Churchillian


Patricia McCarthy  . . . "To the horror of our 2016 establishment, Donald Trump was elected.  He has been as loathed as Churchill was when he took on the P.M. job as the catastrophe at Dunkirk was unfolding.  Like Churchill, Trump is a bit reckless with his opinions and his speech.  Churchill regularly offended people on both sides of the political spectrum, as does Trump.  Churchill was innovative, imaginative.  He devised the civilian boat rescue of all those soldiers at Dunkirk.  It worked.  Trump has, in a year, defeated ISIS, although the media are loath to report that.  Trump has revitalized the economy beyond anything Obama was able to do.  He has successfully rolled back the restrictive regulations Obama put in place that have strangled the economy and suppressed GDP growth to 2% for eight years."
. . . 
"Would it not be a hilarious turn of events if Trump became recognized as the greatest American president of all time?  Churchill was a highborn man of letters with a lifetime of public service under his belt.  Trump is none of those things, but he is a host of things Churchill was not.  The end results may just be similar.
"Trump may just be our Churchill.  They certainly share some personality traits.  Churchill's love of England saved England.  Trump's love of America may save us as well."
Pictured: ISIS (ISIL to Obama)under Trump

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
"A bust of the former prime minister once voted the greatest Briton in history, which was loaned to George W Bush from the Government's art collection after the September 11 attacks, has now been formally handed back." . . .

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