Thursday, January 4, 2018

Democrat States Refuse to Cooperate with Voter Fraud Investigation

Why the refusal to provide information if voting fraud allegations are indeed false?

"Thursday Jan. 4th, President Trump signed Executive Order dissolving Voting Fraud Panel due to lack of state compliance. He, this morning in a tweet called for a need to implement Voter ID Laws.
"Sarah Huckabee Sanders stated in a News Press Conference that more than a dozen states refused to comply and provide basic information. Trump Tweeted:
“ 'Many mostly Democrat States refused to hand over data from the 2016 Election to the Commission On Voter Fraud. They fought hard that the Commission not see their records or methods because they know that many people are voting illegally. System is rigged, must go to Voter I.D.,"”
"The Voter Fraud Panel or “Commission of Voter Integrity” was led by VP Mike Pence and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach to look into all 50 states as well as District of Columbia after uncovering evidence of widespread voter fraud. The Commission requested that states turn over information of Voter names, History and Party registration.
"States that refused included Virginia, Kentucky, New Jersey and California. The list contains mostly Democrat controlled but Red states as well. This resulted in a complete dissolve of the Panel. Trump continued to focus on promoting Voter ID Laws in a Tweet that read:
“ 'As Americans, you need identification, sometimes in a very strong and accurate form, for almost everything you do…except when it comes to the most important thing, VOTING for the people that run your country. Push hard for Voter Identification!”
Thomas Lifson: Uncovering vote fraud: Plan B begins   "Before progressives start celebrating the dissolution of the Election Integrity Commission, they had better figure out what lies ahead.  President Trump announced late yesterday that the Election Integrity Commission, headed by Kansas secretary of state Kris Kobach, will be dissolved." . . .
If the left thinks it's home free, and that this announcement is a victory, it had better remember whom it is dealing with: a man who is accustomed to encountering obstacles and overcoming them – one way or another.  

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