Friday, January 19, 2018

Pelosi Aghast: Trump Has “All But Destroyed President Obama’s Phenomenal Legacy”…

Weasel Zippers

"Via DCCC email:"
Not only has President Trump disrespected President Obama by calling him “the most ignorant president in our history,” he’s all but destroyed President Obama’s phenomenal legacy.
I watched as Trump reversed President Obama’s commitment to the Paris climate agreement, insulting our global partners and endangering our environment. He slashed the individual mandate, intentionally destabilizing President Obama’s signature health law.
He’s destroyed President Obama’s policies on DREAMers, offshore oil drilling, and even his Iran nuclear deal.
My Democratic colleagues and I are fighting back relentlessly, but without a majority in either House of Congress, we have nearly no power to stop him.
Vowing to 'rip' Trump 'a new one,' Obama's ex-presidency devolves into third-world coup plotting 
It's tinhorn dictator stuff and it needs to be called out.
"Far from content living his golden years on the $400,000 speech and lecture circuit of other former presidents, President Obama has been busy with clawing back for his old power. He's actually covertly plotting to oust his democratically elected successor, President Trump, vowing to his associates to "rip him a new one," in the 2018 midterm elections. Seems he's not all that interested in watching his youngest daughter grow up.

"That's the word from DCWhispers, which reports that Obama's Kalorama mansion, in the heart of the capital's most tony district, is the center of significant comings and goings among the Obamatons, who, led by his consigliere, Valerie Jarrett, are busily raising funds for the project, as Obama eggs them on." . . .
This blog* said many times over the previous administration that America had become a third-world country led by a third-world president. TD
*I, me.

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