Saturday, February 10, 2018

Black Christian Voters: Will Racial Loyalty Once Again Overrule Character, Ideology and Intentions in 2020?

Lloyd Marcus

. . . "White America naively thought electing a black president would end them being called racist. Obama and his minions used his skin-color as a bludgeon to beat into submission and silence anyone who opposed him behaving as our king; ignoring laws and the Constitution. Republicans sheepishly complied.
"President Oprah would have two bludgeons to beat the American people into submission; her race and gender. Anyone who opposes Queen Oprah implementing her far left racial socialist/progressive agenda will be high-tech flogged and lynched.
"Hopefully, voters will say to Leftists, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. We fell for your Trojan Horse, Obama. We will not fall for another leftist fanatic, Oprah.”
"Will black Christians betray Christ to support Oprah the way they did for Obama? Black preachers who preached against homosexuality and abortion for decades reversed their opinions to support Obama.
"Under Obama, my brother said his black church hired attorneys to fight government attacking their religious liberty. His congregation loves Democrats and hate Republicans. My brother is fearless regarding speaking his mind. He told church board members their behavior was insane. He said voting for Democrats is like giving your enemies hammers to hit you in the head and then purchasing helmets to protect yourself from them. Board members think he’s weird.
"Black Christians are unaware or refuse to accept that Obama was America’s most biblically hostile U. S. president. A black minister buddy of 30 years defended Obama claiming we’re not a Christian nation. Clearly, black Christians chose racial loyalty over Christ.
"Will black Christian voters ignore presidential candidate Oprah saying Jesus is not the only way to heaven? Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the father, but by me.” Oprah said Jesus claiming his exclusive divinity “would make Jesus the biggest egoist that ever lived.” Sadly, black megachurch pastors will ignore Oprah’s blasphemy, urging their congregations to vote for the first black woman president." . . .

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