Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Where can one find refuge from leftist social justice movement antics?

"President Trump angered the Me Too activists by requesting due process for movie executives, politicians and celebrities who’ve been accused of long-ago sexual assault, sexual harassment, and sexually exploiting women. There’s one thing we can all agree on. Hugh Hefner died just in time."  Comedian Argus Hamilton
#MeToo is ruining the dating scene   "I genuinely feel for the single crowd out there trying to date through the #MeToo madness. Because is a date with someone who may misinterpret your flirtatiousness as rape culture worth potentially tanking your career and reputation?

"This brave new world where day after regret is conflated with sexual misconduct, rape, and harassment, singles are increasingly confused about where the line of acceptable behavior begins. And with good reason.

"The Washington Post has a horrifying glimpse into singlehood, dating, and how the #MeToo culture has ruined everything:" . . .

 How the Left Plays at Oppression and Encourages Tyrants  . . . "I’ve been seeing graying women with t-shirts proclaiming they’re resisting, watched colleges and universities fly their flag at half mast, and banged my head gently against the dashboard at cars with bumper stickers proudly proclaiming the driver a member of the resistance.  I’ve heard women proclaim they’re marching for lost rights, though no one can answer me on what rights they lost." . . .

. . . "We need to start pointing out to them that they are, in fact, children playing at being brave, and not very well at that. We need to make them at least as embarrassed to act out in public as a conservative in liberal circles. Otherwise, they continue thinking that everyone admires their “bravery” and posturing. And they’ll do more of it, enabling malefactors domestic and foreign." . . .

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