Thursday, May 17, 2018

Here Are The Five Senators Who Voted Against Haspel

If rejected, will she go on a years-long speaking tour to discuss all the reasons she did not get the post? Misogyny? TD
Daily Caller
If she passes confirmation, Haspel would become the first female director in the agency’s history of over 70 years

"A handful of senators on the Senate Intelligence Committee voted against President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the CIA Wednesday.
"The committee voted 10-5 Wednesday in favor of Gina Haspel, who must now be confirmed before the entire Senate body before she can become the next CIA director. (RELATED: Gina Haspel Passes Crucial First Step)
"Every Republican member of the committee voted in favor, including two Democrats — Sens. Mark Warner of Virginia and Joe Manchin of West Virginia. Four Democrats and one independent voted against Haspel, including:
  • Dianne Feinstein of California
  • Ron Wyden of Oregon
  • Kamala Harris of California  (Naturally)
  • Martin Heinrich of New Mexico
  • Angus King of Maine, who is an independent
. . . 

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