Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Iran deal and America's credibility

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

John Kerry Will Fix The Middle East… By Becoming President?
. . . "He reportedly told Abbas pal, Hussein Agha, that, “he could broker an Israeli-Palestinian peace process” that was far superior to Trump’s plan. Really? I may need to check my calendar to be positive, but didn’t Kerry already have four full years to work out a deal between Israel and the Palestinians? Nothing seemed to come of that except for vastly deteriorated relations between Israel and the United States, with Hamas still actively digging tunnels and firing missiles at our ally." . . . 

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

American Military News: US withdrawing from ‘defective’ Iran nuclear deal and imposing ‘highest level’ economic sanctions, Trump announces  “ 'The United States will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal,” Trump said, calling the deal “defective at its core” and a “disastrous deal” that gave the Iranian “regime of great terror” billions of dollars.
“ '[…] America will not be held hostage to nuclear blackmail [and we] won’t allow American cities to be threatened with destruction,” he said, later saying that the withdrawal will help keep Americans safe.
“ 'The Iranian regime is the leading state sponsor of terror. No action taken by the regime has been more dangerous than its pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means of delivering them,” the President said.". . .

Weekly Standard: Trump Withdraws From ‘Defective’ Iran Deal  . . . "The Treasury Department said that sanctions will be subject to either 90- or 180-day wind-down periods, allowing foreign companies to withdraw their business, and will then come into effect. Trump described the penalties as “the highest level of economic sanctions.' ” . . .

Can America's Credibility Survive the Death of the Iran Nuclear Deal?  . . . "Meanwhile, those Iranians who negotiated in good faith, and agreed to place severe limits on their nuclear program, will be accused by JCPOA opponents within Iran that they were fools for naively believing U.S. assurances." . . .

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