Monday, July 23, 2018

Does Hillary get royalties every time the Trump Dossier is used by Democrats?

Sen. Rubio likes what the FBI is doing and I'm sure John McCain does as well.

Photosnark by Rich Terrell
Graham: Warrant for Carter Page surveillance was 'a bunch of garbage'
. . . "Asked on CBS's "Face the Nation" whether a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant obtained on Carter Page, a former foreign policy adviser on President Trump's campaign, was justified, Graham insisted that it was not and that the opposition research dossier that helped lay the foundation for the warrant application was bunk.
" 'If the dossier is the reason you issued the warrant, it was a bunch of garbage," Graham said. "The dossier has proven to be a bunch of garbage."
"He also said that the warrant application, which was released by the Justice Department on Saturday, served as proof that "the whole FISA warrant process needs to be looked at.' " . . .
FISA warrant application supports Nunes memo  . . . "On Saturday night, the denouncing started again. "The only thing the newly released FISA documents show is that Republicans have been lying for months," the lefty think tank Center for American Progress said in a typical response.

"Now, however, we have both the memo and the FISA application, if in a blacked-out state. We can compare the two. And doing so shows the Nunes memo was overwhelmingly accurate. Perhaps some Democrats do not believe it should have been written, or they dispute what it included and left out, or they do not agree with its conclusions, but it was in fact accurate." . . .

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