Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Are the Dems actually trying to build an image of being bad sports?

Thomas Lifson

RNC-DNC softball game in gentler times (2017).  Photo from Twitter via the Daily Caller.
"The Democratic National Committee has refused to participate in the annual softball game between Democrat and Republican leaders and staffers, a decade-old tradition that reaffirmed a spirit of national unity, good sportsmanship, and love of a sport invented by Americans.  The old expression, "take your ball and go home," connotes bad sportsmanship when someone doesn't get his way and decides that a game therefore must end.
Benny Johnson reports at the Daily Caller:
Despite being a time-honored tradition going back many years, the DNC is refusing to play the RNC at this year's annual softball game.
RNC sources tell The Daily Caller that they were "stunned" when Democrats abruptly pulled out of the good-natured game between leadership and staffers at opposing political organizations.
. . .  

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