Saturday, August 4, 2018

Dinesh D’Souza’s Death of a Nation

. . . Today’s leaders were the rebels of the 1960’s.  We must remember that they have distorted traditional American values through their pampered, self-indulgent youth.  If we as parents inculcate our young with our values, then we can save this nation.  We cannot delegate this critical job. . . .

Howard J. Warner

. . . "As an optimist, I trust that Trump will be re-elected.  I expect that the Congress will remain Republican and might gain several seats in the Senate.  Draining the swamp is difficult since the number of dwellers within Washington is enormous.  The American people elected Donald Trump because too many feared the damage Hillary and her minions would inflict.  There are still enough Americans who wish to keep our Enlightenment freedoms (though imperfectly articulated in the Constitution) and refuse to accept the Marxist view of communalism and classism. " . . .

"The future of our nation depends upon teaching civics, capitalism (instead of crony capitalism) and ethics or morality.  This is the job of our parents.  Conservatives, libertarians, and fair-minded people must create schools that teach these values.  Liberty does not come cheaply.  In the history of mankind, it is a rare event.  Some of us are not ready to give up our freedom.  Federalism runs counter to statism, but it is not taught.  We cannot expect that educators will do the job of families.  The education system will take away our rights as surrogate parents, for they are the progressives that indoctrinate our youth."

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